Reinvigorating the Public service with emphasis on critical institutional changes, restoring professionalism and client focus, and delivering effective basic services by 2017 coupled with transforming the public service into a value based, strong, well-performing institution by 2020, attaining a world -class levels of service delivery in the public service by 2025, the need for electronic payment system to meet up global challenges cannot be overemphasized. In addition, the various challenges or problems encountered in effective management of public funds in the public sector, led to the introduction of electronic payment system or e -payment. This new wave therefore has created anew financial need which cannot be effectively handled by the traditional payment system.It is incumbent to posit here that, the introduction of the e- system is not without some challenges and prospects, such as frequent connectivity failure and power interruption. The study therefore recommends that the government should systematically and gradually expand the necessary infrastructure by promoting the development of necessary technologies, recruiting IT experts and embarking on expansion of high-speed information network and continuous sensitization of the users and the citizenry in general. This will foster a strong foundation for efficient and effective e-governance in the new trend in the global economy.